genetic example sentences

Related (7): chromosomes, inheritance, mutation, DNA, heritability, genotype, phenotype

" genetic" Example Sentences

1. The genetic cause of the disease remains unknown.
2. Scientists are studying the genetic basis of Alzheimer's disease.
3. Researchers are sequencing the genetic code of many species.
4. They found genetic markers associated with longevity.
5. Recent research has shown genetic links to some psychiatric disorders.
6. The genetic mutations contribute to the person's high risk of cancer.
7. There are genetic tests available for certain illnesses.
8. The aim of genetic modification is to change a plant's genome.
9. Many fruit and vegetable products have undergone some level of genetic engineering.
10. There are ethical concerns surrounding the use of genetic engineering.
11. The researchers are studying the genetic diversity of different plant species.
12. There is evidence of genetic drift in the species over time.
13. The genetic predisposition ran in their family.
14. The genetic counselor explained the risks associated with the disorder.
15. The study found a genetic component to reading disabilities.
16. A genetic predisposition does not mean someone will definitely get the disease.
17. There are genetic differences between the two populations.
18. The two parents share half of their genetic material with each offspring.
19. A genetic test confirmed the diagnosis.
20. There are ethical issues surrounding genetic testing.
21. She was born with a genetic disorder.
22. They detected genetic variations within the sample group.
23. The treatment targets the genetic roots of the cancer.
24. There is an inherited genetic component to many diseases.
25. The genetic diversity within the population is decreasing.
26. The findings suggest a genetic link between the conditions.
27. Researchers are studying genetic factors behind personality differences.
28. The child inherited genetic traits from both parents.
29. This characteristic has a strong genetic basis.
30. They found a genetic association between the disease and that gene.
31. A genetic mutation caused the premature aging disorder.
32. She underwent genetic testing during her pregnancy.
33. He has a genetic advantage in athletic performance.
34. The species shows little genetic variation.
35. Researchers analyzed the genetic sequences of tissue samples.
36. Babies inherit genetic material from both biological parents.
37. Common genetic attributes unite all humans.
38. Gene therapies aim to repair genetic defects.
39. Changes in the genetic code cause mutations.
40. Changes in reproductive behaviors can impact gene pools and genetic diversity.
41. Genetic testing yields information about inherited disorders.
42. Genetic testing helps determine a pregnancy's risks.
43. Genetic disorders can be passed down from parents to children.
44. Genetic engineering aims to modify an organism's hereditary information.
45. Identical twins share an identical set of genetic material.
46. Genetic drift refers to changes in gene frequencies.
47. Genetic factors can increase susceptibilities to certain diseases.
48. Genetic diseases can be diagnosed through testing.
49. Genetic diversity protects species from extinction.
50. Genetic diversity decreases as populations become smaller.
51. Genetic adaptation allows species to evolve over time.
52. Genetic engineering can help produce new versions of plants and animals.
53. Genetic links have been found between certain diseases and disorders.
54. Genetic material comprises chromosomes and DNA.
55. The genetic variations are what make us individuals.
56. Genetic testing assesses DNA for markers of disease.
57. Genetic mutations are copy errors in DNA.
58. Genetic modification involves altering an organism's DNA.
59. Genetic traits are passed down from parents to offspring.
60. Genetic predispositions indicate susceptibility to certain conditions.

Common Phases

1. genetic predisposition to
2. genetic basis for
3. genetic code for
4. genetic factors underlying
5. genetic component of
6. genetic susceptibility to
7. genetic roots of
8. genetic variations between
9. genetic makeup of
10. genetic diversity among
11. genetic inheritance of
12. genetic mutation responsible for
13. genetic diversity within
14. genetic link between
15. genetic advantage in

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